I cut the bags in half to separate front and back, then pieced them separately. I used the churn dash/monkey wrench block pattern, and 1800's reproduction fabrics since that is when the mill was established, and chose colors that matched the printing on the bags.
bag back
bag front - the type of flour is stamped in the boxed area
I ditched around the bags, then added cross hatching on the diagonal
back and forth in the block corners, (above)
and loops around the colored part of the block(below)
I quilted slices of bread in the larger areas of the background, and stitched again 1/4" away to separate it from the back ground filler (small meander).
It didn't show well, so I went back over it in brown thread.
I used a new circle template to quilt circles in the monkey wrench
feathers in the red border, and a script letter L repeated 3 times, then again in the opposite direction in the brown border.
The backing is called Chocolate and cherries, and matches the red and brown perfectly. It's really a much darker brown
The bag was folded in half then sewn in a large chain stitch. I cut them apart to separate the colors.
She came up with the perfect idea for the name and label info: